

relies on the generation and analysis of host genomic and microbial metagenomic data to detect the interactions between them and identify the biological impact of such interactions on both hosts and associated microorganism communities.

Host-microbe interactions

The core of HoloGen revolves around the idea that a macroscopic organism, be it fungi, animal (including humans) or plant, can be viewed as an emergent property of interactions between that organism - i.e. host - and the microbes living on and inside it. Many biological processes in animals and their associated microorganisms are affected or modulated through such a symbiotic relationship.

Analytical technologies

The recent development of high throughput biomolecular data generation platforms and
the improvement of data processing infrastructures, it is now possible to screen virtually the entire biochemical landscape where hosts and microorganisms interact. This necessitates a truly multidisciplinary approach consisting of the analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes and metabolomes of both animals and their associated microorganisms.

A one-health approach

HoloGen targets significant, ground-breaking scientific advancement in our knowledge about functional interconnections between hosts and microbiomes through its use of cutting-edge omics-based measurements of molecular states coupled with novel computational approaches, to address scientific questions regarding human and animal health, agricultural production, microbial ecology,  and more.

Research Objectives

Develop novel computational approaches

to model the biochemical, genetic, temporal and spatial levels of host-microbiota interactions in hologenomic research.

Understand fundamental principles of biochemical and ecological interplay

between animal hosts and their associated microorganisms through applying a hologenomic perspective.

Apply the hologenomic framework

and research approaches towards enhancing human health and animal production systems.

Training objectives

Understand the relevance of host-microbiota interactions

and master the approaches to implement hologenomics to answer diverse research questions.

Develop skills in quantitative analysis and management of big data

to be able to tackle the 21st-century research challenges beyond genomics, metagenomics and hologenomics.

Acquire the necessary transferable skills to ensure successful progress in academia and industry

and effective interaction with other stakeholders, such as private companies, policy makers and the general public.

Strategic objectives

Train the next generation of multidisciplinary scientists

that will be equipped with the skills to exploit the latest biomolecular technologies with which to grapple with the current and future societal challenges.

Strengthen both European industry and academia

with a cohort of talented, closely-knit researchers with the attributes to become international leaders in their chosen fields.

Produce a large number of high-profile publications

and stimulate future research to create future world-leading scholars and advance the field of hologenomics beyond the current scope of the project.

Enable long-term transfer of technological gains

to and from industry partners, leading to development of new products and services.