Torgeir Hvidsten
My research group focuses on using advanced data analysis methods and large genomics datasets to model how genes interact in regulatory networks and how such networks give rise to properties characteristic to individuals and species. | Google Scholar
Antton Alberdi
Ecological and evolutionary hologenomicist. Head of the animal-microbiota interactions lab at UCPH. Coordinator of 3D'omics and the Earth HoloGenome Initiative. | Google Scholar
Ostaizka Aizpurua
My research focuses on understanding the complex interaction among animals, microbiota and environment, and their influence on animal ecology and evolution. I'm also the founder of ZiBA Science Resources. | Google Scholar
Karoline Faust
Our research focuses on investigating microbial community dynamics in silico and in vitro. In particular, we investigate interactions between human gut bacteria and the resulting dynamics with synthetic communities in controlled conditions. | Google Scholar
Tom Gilbert
Hologenomicist and paleogenomicist. Director of the Center for Evolutionary HoloGenomics at UCPH.
Lindsey Hall
Our research is structured around three key themes: microbe-diet interactions, colonisation resistance, and microbiota-host communication. This is supported by clinical studies involving preterm infants and mother-infant dyads.
Kati Hanhineva
Founder of Afekta Technologies Ltd., Professor of food development at the University of Turku, Research director and group leader of food and nutritional metabolomics at the University of Eastern Finland.
Aki Havulinna
Biostatistician, geneticist, chief researcher and group leader. Experienced in geographic health, Bayesian statistics, health register-based studies.
Leo Lahti
The primary research interests of our team are in computational modelling and analysis of complex systems, in particular in metagenomics and microbiome research. Our current research projects focus on the analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics of microbial communities, multi-omic data integration and large-scale population cohort studies.
Marc Martí-Renom
Our research group employs the laws of physics and the rules of evolution to develop and apply experimental/computational methods for determining the 3D structures of biological systems.
Phillip Pope
Microbial ecologist and physiologist. Experience using multi-omic tools to deconvolute the intimate genetic and physiological relationship between the host animal and its microbiome.